Tuesday, February 7, 2012

film as an art form

Art can be defined as, "... the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect...". Is this not what movies are?
Production of a film is a long, sometimes strenuous, process for which the directors of our time do not get enough appreciation. When most people think of 'production' they consider the money it took to make the film or the actors who were cast. When in reality, production begins when the idea is born and the artist decides to take it to the next level. The specifics of it include script writing, casting, shooting, editing, and screening the finished product before an audience. A long winded version, but nonetheless a 'process'.
Moving forward, 'symbolic elements' of a film can include lighting, sound, time, sequence, and composition. When watching a movie, how many people really pay attention to lighting or the design of a specific scene? Self proclaimed movie buffs like myself certainly do. If you stop and think of all the imaginative efforts and time that can go towards creating a scene for a film, it's astounding. For instance, sound in a film; why are there birds chirping or horns honking? Also, why is that specific song playing in the background? These were all choices made by an artist while creating his next piece. Thinking of sequence in a film, why do the scenes appear in the order they do? That is how the story unfolds, much like chapters in a book.
Lastly, there is no question that films have influenced cultures all through the ages they have been present. Cultures everywhere have been inspired by things seen on film and the growth of the film movement ceases to end. In 2010 alone 1.339 billion movie tickets were sold throughout the U.S. and Canada. On a smaller scale, think of times in a class where you watched a movie; did it leave a mark on you or cause you to do further research on a topic that intrigued you? In all these ways, a film is regarded as a piece of art. It's time people respected them as such.


  1. Cool, cool, cool. I think films continue to gain "cultural capital" as the lines between high art and low art are erased.

    What are some of your favorite examples?

  2. My favorite arty films are girl,interrupted, the life before her eyes, little miss sunshine, and candy. But there are so many more! haha
